Wednesday Driving

The Vaasa Classic Car Club is a very active club. It is well known for its large classic car museum which has been open since beginning of the 1980´s. The museum has large collection of all kinds engines and different kinds of vehicles: Passenger cars, racing cars, heavy vehicles, bicycles,… etc. One of the special vehicles in the museum is the horse drawn ambulance. On the engine side you can find old production of several old boat engine makers from Vaasa. There are also aircraft engines, including a very special Hispano-Suiza V8 engine.


The club has also large and very active membership. In addition to the work with the museum the club is organizing on almost every summer Wednesday a evening drive to somewhere in neighbourhood. These gatherings are very popular. During the past years before the Covid there have been every year about 20 event which have had in total close to 1000 cars and about 1700 members participating.


We went to the Wednesday Drive on July 7 which was a drive through the countryside to the old mill at Vöyri. The drive started from the central marketplace at Vaasa at 18.00. The drive went through very beautiful country roads and there were more and more car joining the party on the way. On that evening there were 65 classic cars present with 105 participants.


We participated with our 1968 Ossi Blue Porsche 911 S. All the participating cars are getting a lot of attention from the other participants, but it is fair to say that our beautiful little Porsche got a lot of attention. Great trip, great evening and great people.    


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