Sawo – Engine Mounts!

The summer 2020 was very different summer because of the continuing Corona virus concerns. We at Carrera Classic were also living completely in our own safe bubble in the middle of the woods until mid July before we had any visitors, or before we participated to any events ourselves.

It the later part of July we had a visit of the Sawo Porsche Club who were doing their annual road trip from Sawo (East of Finland, Kuopio area) to Vaasa to visit us and also the nearby Kyrö distillery (Manufacturer of world best Gin).They came in the previous evening and stayed in the historical Astor hotel in Vaasa. The group was originally 5 cars from Kuopio and all were aircooled which was clear source of proudness. Then the team started to grow and even watercooled cars were “accepted”. We spend a very nice time with our new friends lead by Pekka Hoffren. Even a heavy thunderstorm in the middle of the visit did not disturb too much.

This team from Sawo are real enthusiasts and specialists of older Porsches. We learned again a lot of our own cars. Hannu Alatalo told us the most interesting new thing which we did not know. It is fascinating to realize that it took 15 years for Porsche to understand how the engine mounts should be installed. In all early cars until 11/1977 the lock plates on top of the engine and transmission mounts were installed “upside down”. In 1978 Porsche gave service bulletin that say they should be turned other way around also in the older cars. This looks quite logical for a nonengineer. In all our early cars they are installed as they were done in the factory in1964 -1977, “upside down”. Should we now change all the plates as they should be? No way – We prefer originality and original look of the factory installation, even it obviously is not the best or the most logical way. Fascinating.

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