Moottori: Racer and Gentleman

Finnish car magazine Moottori participated to the Carrera Classic trackday in August at Botniaring. They published a very nice article and pictures in their web version on our two 1965 911 ́s written and photographed by Aake Kinnunen. He told in short the story of the two red Porsche 911 ́s which have chassi numbers only 11 numbers apart and had been build at the same time in May 1965 at the Zuffenhausen production line. Here they meet again after 52 years at the cloudy Finnish racing track.

The Rubin Red 911 has been living its whole life in US, where it was recovered as a barnfind in 2014. In 2015 the car came to Europe and it vent trough a detailed and challenging 2000 hour restoration. The car is now restored to its original specification to the very last detail e.g. the colors of the equipment stickers in the engine bay. The test drive on the track gave a good feeling of the 60́s ride without rear stabilizers and without the front safety belts.

The Signal Red 911 was delivered first to Netherlands, but then spend first part of its life in the US. The car came to Finland in early 1990 ́s and was build to a rally car for historic events for a well known Finnish rally driver Hannu Valtaharju. The car was rebuild last year completely up to the highest standards for FIA historic rally and circuit races.

If the Rubin Red car was a gentleman the Signal Red was a aggressive racer which decided to end the day just before the journalist had his turn for a taxi ride. The racer definitely was not a gentleman.


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