GULF Historic Race Cup

Carrera Classic team has now completed its first season in the Finnish Historic Racing series. Gulf Historic Race Cup. This series is in total 8 races which are driven during four weekends on different Finnish circuits. The first race was in May at Kemora, second in early July at Botniaring, third at Ahvenisto in August and the finals in September at Virtasalmi. The main event of the season is the Grand Race at Ahvenisto where there was about 200 cars. In the other 3 race weekends it was about 120 cars each.


We participated to the series in the class F/A, which is for FIA GT/GTS cars build before 1966 and over 1800 cc. We participated with our completely overhauled red 1965 Porsche 911. The season was a great learning experience for us. The driver got his junior license only in May and our experience in tuning the car was more from the street than from the race tracks. We had a great new race engine made by Manfred Rugen, but the main issue was the suspension set-up. In our first race the car was oversteering extensively. After a lot of testing and learning the secrets of the corner weights we finally got the car behaving as a 911 should behave. Also the wear of the tyres, brake pads and everything else in the car came as a initial surprise. Racing is a hard world for a 50 year car (and 60 year old driver), but all this can be overcome by good preparation and anticipation of the service needs. Our first season was a great success: We learned a lot of the car. The driver learned a lot of the tracks and driving and got his national license. Overall we became 3th in the overall series in our class, which certainly exceeded our expectations.


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